Showing posts with label Catholic Home Decor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Catholic Home Decor. Show all posts

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Handmade Lenten Crosses

Today I'm making a special post for something great that my husband made. The catholic church in Randolph used to make Lenten crosses that featured a new symbol each week of Lent that related to Jesus' journey on the cross. Jason wanted to recreate one of these crosses for our own home, and I love the result.

Using a salvaged tree branch and a  little whittling skill, he created a rustic wooden cross secured at  the center with twine. Epoxied gravel makes up the base of the cross. The cross is meant to be displayed beginning on Ash Wednesday, and a new symbol is added each Sunday of Lent.

Jason would love to create more for anyone interested in purchasing one for their home. Each cross would vary slightly, because they are handmade from natural materials. The crosses along with all the symbols are available for $40. Included with your purchase is a small booklet describing each symbol and suggestions for spiritual reflection each weekend of Lent. It's a great way to remind yourself about the sacrifices Jesus made for us throughout the Lenten season and a fun tool for discussing Lent with children. Scroll down to check out pictures of my Lenten cross, and read an excerpt from the booklet included with the cross.

Lenten cross with all it's symbols in place.

The Lenten cross symbols are: cross with purple cloth, crown of thorns, pouch of pieces of silver, sponge, dice, nail, and stone. Each one represents a moment of Jesus' crucifixion.

Here is a portion of the booklet from Ash Wednesday. Each Sunday of Lent also has a similar section:

Ash Wednesday
Symbol: Cross with Purple Cloth

Ask Yourself: Jesus is made to bear His cross. Jesus shoulders his cross. How many times do I grumble? How many times do I complain about my own cross?

From Scripture: “If any want to become My followers, let them deny themselves and lift up their cross daily and follow Me.” – Luke 9:23

Reflect On: During Lent, focus in a special way Jesus’ call to repent, to change your point of view and way of living. Try to respond more faithfully to God’s self-gift of grace. The most basic way to repent, of course, is to grow in love of God and neighbor, and to that end, embrace exercises that help you “die to the old self”. Traditionally, fasting, sharing with those who have less, and give extra time to prayer.

Pray: Lord Jesus Christ, by the grace of our baptism my each of us follow you along the way of the cross, sharing in your death that we might share in your resurrection.

Lenten crosses are available on my Etsy shop or through me personally if you live in the northeast Nebraska area and would like to pick yours up.