I think I might have a slight obsession with painting and researching bugs. Learning about bugs is like going to a haunted house, I know there's no real danger of physically interacting with a bug involved, but I'm still a little scared. While finishing the wings on my latest cedar slice paintings, I even gave my self a little bit of the creepy-crawlies. Bugs are so strange, and you never know where they're hiding. There's probably a bug within 10 inches of me right now while I'm typing, and I don't even know it!
While I'm on the topic, I thought I'd share my favorite bug blog with you: whatsthatbug.com. Average folks like you and me send in photos and descriptions of critters they've seen, and the blog writers do their best to identify the bugs. The best posts feature drawings instead of photos, and letters written in all caps by a crazed individual who thinks they have a killer-bug infestation. I go through something like that about once a month, but I never write it down and send it to a blog for all the world to see!
Anyways, here are my depictions of dragonflies on sustainably harvested cedar slice, coming soon to a craft show near you: