Hooray! My zinnias are sprouting in spite of that nasty bird that tried to eat all my seeds before I could get them covered. In case you missed the explanation of the evil bird incident, click HERE for a recap. These little sprouts have so much potential. I can't wait until they're big, beautiful and blooming.
I had yet another close encounter with nature yesterday. I was out front turning on the garden hose, so that I could water my flowers. Our garden hose is black with a yellow stripe. When I leaned over to turn it on I became confused, because I saw three black hoses with yellow stripes. By the time I realized I wasn't seeing triple, I hardly had time to jump backwards in terror - the extra two hoses were snakes! Of course, being the small, nonvenomous Nebraskan snakes that they were, they were much more frightened of me than I was of them. They slithered all over each other, fighting to be the first one back into their hidey-hole. To my great distress, their home seems to be behind my front steps. Hopefully we can all go about minding our own business without bumping into each other again!