Showing posts with label plants. Show all posts
Showing posts with label plants. Show all posts

Friday, February 21, 2014

Plant Season Begins

I couldn't wait any longer to post some photos of my plants. Spring comes a few weeks early when you own a greenhouse, and I love it. Jason calls all of the seedlings my "babies". He says things like, "Did you check on your babies yet today?" and "How are your babies doing?" It's a lot of plant babies for just one greenhouse mama, but somehow I manage. 

These guys are gerbera daisies. They happen to be my favorite seedlings to transplant. They get this special status, because they remind me of lettuce, and I just really like vegetables. It's kind of an unreasonable reason, but that's just the way I think!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Greenhouse Labels

What am I doing today? Not much, just sorting what seems like 100 billion plant labels.

It doesn't look too bad from this picture, but imagine that all of these are scrambled in a pile and covered in dirt...
 It will all be worth it when the greenhouse is shiny, organized and clean - I can't wait!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Flower Garden Update

When I planted my flower garden this year (not all that long ago, by the way) I notice that an ornamental squash was growing in one of my front flower beds, most likely accidentally planted by my Halloween decorations from last year. Being the plant lover (or hoarder?) that I am, I couldn't bring myself to dig it up. Now, even though my impatiens refuse to grow, my squash is definitely doing well. However, it definitely does not belong in my flower bed. See for yourself:

Yuck, right? All you can see is the silly squash! But, I still can't pull it. I feel too invested in its growth now. Ok, now, take a few moments to get over the fact that it's obvious that I haven't pulled any weeds in a while, then check out a couple of my gardening *wins*.

For example, this lovely basket filled with impatiens that are cooporating with me:

And this small pot of gorgeous pink begonias:

See? I'm not a complete gardening klutz. Now, if I could only get over my weed hoarding tendencies, perhaps my large flower beds would look just as nice as my potted plants!