Showing posts with label starfish. Show all posts
Showing posts with label starfish. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Stuffed Whale and Starfish

As I've probably mentioned before, I'm definitely not an expert seamstress. However, I can't resist a cuddly minky fabric. I wish everything was made of that extra soft, bumpy stuff! I got some use out of a little piece of minky while making a couple of stuffed animals for my one-year-old nephew, Trey, this Christmas.

With the help of some free internet patterns (which, by the way, were in a language that I CANNOT read), I created a simple whale and a little starfish (that's where the minky came in handy). My stitching is definitely amateurish, but I still love how they turned out. My new goal is to practice creating things like this so that someday you won't be able to tell where I hand-stitched at all!