Friday, March 11, 2016


The temperature hit that magical number today - sunny and 70 degrees! I can't wait to show off these new spring log slice paintings. The dragonfly is my favorite, because I painted it in honor of my little bug, Maura, who we call our dragonfly. These paintings will be available exclusively my spring shows, and will not make an appearance in my Etsy shop until June.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016


I love the snow when I get to stay home cuddling and painting. On all other occasions the snow is my enemy.

Saturday, January 2, 2016


Painting my Guacamole Mixed Magnets always makes my mouth water for creamy avocados, crunchy onions, and sweet red tomatoes. So, naturally, after making a couple of sets I had to run to the store for actual guacamole ingredients, and Jason and I went to bed with bellies full of guac last night! Yum!

I currently have two sets of these magnets ready to ship in my etsy shop:

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Mama's Helper

Maura is such a helper. She started scooting a couple of weeks ago, and her speed has really picked up. It's a chore keeping her from my paints, but at least she's able to offer me her assitance with quality control.

I think this Welcome sign passed her stringent quality tests!

Winter Shopping Coming Soon!

I spent this weekend wrapping up some loose ends before the Handmade Omaha Winter Art and Craft Bazaar that will be taking place next weekend. It is the ONLY holiday show I will be selling at this season. Baby Maura has kept me so busy this year, that I decided one would be enough. Make sure you stop out and see me, because it will be your only chance to buy in person from me for Christmas!

Here are some delicious looking donut magnets that I painted this weekend. Let me tell you, these made me mighty hungry for some sweet, deep-fried treats! These will be available at next weekend's show!

Saturday, November 7, 2015

A Little Cottage

I'm working on a couple of extra large log slice paintings. I've been sitting on these 12" log slices for over a year now trying to decide what to paint on them. I finally just gave up agonizing over it, and painted! I love how they're turning out so far. Here is a little preview:

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Dragon Baby and a Balloon

I finally made a decision about what to paint on my unique wood slice: a little gray fox waving good bye in his hot air balloon. I imagine he's on his way to the Emerald City, just like the Great and Powerful Oz.

In other recent news, we had a little dragon baby for Halloween. Maura loved trick-or-treating, which mostly consisted of her smiling at family members, and graciously accepting their compliments about her cuteness.