Saturday, June 20, 2015


Yesterday was Baby Schmit's official due date, thus making her officially overdue! Jason and I are so anxiously awaiting her arrival.

Here I am, still pregnant, but still happy (thank goodness for air conditioning):

While I wait, though, I have been able to make time for a little bit of painting! This "Adventure" sign is in progress and will be headed to its new home, soon!

Monday, May 25, 2015


Just because I wish I had a big ol' bowl of guacamole right now, I've decided to show off my guacamole mix magnet set. It's delicious (but in all reality, it's inedible, so don't eat it.) My magnets are made from naturally fallen cedar branches and each one is hand painted. Add a little piece of magnetic art to your refrigerator!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

XXL Dahlia

It may not meet the dictionary definition of 'art', but it's still (mostly) handmade. I mean, I planted it myself.

Biggest most beautiful dahlia. ever.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Schmit Home Solutions' 4th Annual Spring Open House!

Schmit Home Solutions had their 4th annual spring open house last Sunday. The open house is always one of my favorite days of the year. I have an excuse to clean my studio and set up a little show room, and I get to help greenhouse customers. It's so awesome to think about all of our little plants going out to bloom around town and beyond!

Here are a couple of photos from the event (I even convinced Jason to pose with me for one!)

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Snips and Snails

Wow, it's been awhile since my last post, again. These last couple of months have been pretty crazy for me. Greenhouse season is in full swing (yay, my favorite time of year!), I'm 32 weeks pregnant with a baby girl (our first child, yay again!), and I recently started a new engineering job (I love it, yay for a third time!).

I'm still painting, of course, because there's really no better way to relax. I've added several new cedar slice painting designs to my Etsy shop. This snail is definitely my favorite new design.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Greenhouse Mural

Last spring we decided that our greenhouse was a little drab. The plain white walls just didn't create the upbeat atmosphere we were hoping for. So, after months of thinking and worrying, I've finally started painting a spring-y mural. This is definitely the largest scale painting I've ever done, and it definitely has me out of my comfort zone! I am enjoying the challenge so far, though!

Friday, February 20, 2015


The air feels warm outside today, and the sun is shining! I really wish it was spring, but I know the seasons are just trying to fool me.

I used my "spring fever" this morning to make a fancy new dahlia wood slice painting. I can not wait for all the beautiful blooms that pop up in warmer weather!